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Prawidłowe odchudzanie - jesień

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Odchudzanie w różnych porach roku - jesień

Na odchudzanie nigdy nie jest za późno i niezależnie od pory roku warto zabrać się za to tu i teraz, a nie od przysłowiowego poniedziałku. Różne pory roku powodują, że jest nam łatwiej bądź nieznacznie trudniej. Jednak nigdy nie jest to niemożliwe.

Dlaczego warto zacząć odchudzanie jesienią?

  • Sezon na warzywa takie jak cukinia, kabaczki, dynie, a do tego warzywa letnie – sałaty, rukola, pomidory, ogórki, rzodkiewki i inne. Wszystko to pozwala nam na łatwiejsze i smaczne komponowanie posiłków. Szczególnie jesienne warzywa przydają się do przygotowania ciepłych, ale super lekkich obiadów, np. zupa krem z dyni, pieczona cukinia z serem feta czy bakłażan nadziewany chudym mięsem.
  • Sezon na owoce jest już mniejszy. Mamy więc do wyboru głównie jabłka, gruszki, śliwki. Nie kuszą nas więcej truskawki, czereśnie, brzoskwinie i inne typowo letnie pyszności.
  • Wakacje się skończyły, a nasze życie powoli wraca do porządku. Dzieci poszły do przedszkoli i szkół, zaczęły się regularne obowiązki, a przez to łatwiej wpasować w nie dietę. Nie ma większego sprzymierzeńca diet odchudzających niż regularność ich stosowania, a także regularność spożywania posiłków.
  • Mniej wyjeżdżamy, a to oznacza, że mniej jemy w restauracjach, barach czy kafejkach przy stacjach benzynowych. Dużo łatwiej się odchudzać jeśli sami przygotowujemy swoje codzienne menu, bo dokładnie wiemy ile daliśmy tłuszczu czy innych składników i łatwiej nam to wliczyć w dietę.
  • Pogoda zrobiła się bardziej przyjazna, aby uprawiać sporty również w ciągu dnia np. w weekendy. Poza tym chłodniejsza aura pozwala na wydłużenie treningów. Czym dłuższy trening tym lepiej się spala nadmiar kilogramów. Najlepiej jest ćwiczyć tak, aby swobodnie móc rozmawiać, ale przynajmniej przez 40 minut co drugi dzień.
  • Na jesieni nie ma specjalnie świąt, ani innych uroczystości (wesela, komunie, chrzciny itd.), a to oznacza, że nie jesteśmy wystawieni na ciężkie próby odmówienia jakiś pyszności.

Co może nam utrudniać odchudzanie na jesieni?

  • Zrobiło się chłodniej, a to oznacza, że możemy potrzebować bardziej konkretnych potraw, np. więcej mięsa. Możemy jednak tę potrzebę łatwo obejść podając zamiast tzw. konkretów po prostu ciepłe, ale nadal lekkie jedzenie. Przykładowo zamiast smażonego kotleta schabowego podajmy ciepłą zupę ogórkową czy zapiekankę ziemniaczaną z warzywnym leczo.
  • Perspektywa zimy nie jest wesoła dla wielu z nas. Przez to właśnie motywacja do odchudzania może nieco spaść. Dodatkowo zakładamy na siebie dodatkowe warstwy odzieży, co ułatwia nam odsunięcie w czasie decyzji o rozpoczęciu odchudzania. Pamiętajmy jednak, że z doświadczenia widzę, że jesień to zdecydowanie najlepsza pora roku do odchudzania. Najłatwiej się zorganizować, a także najłatwiej skomponować dobrą dietę bez kalorycznych pokus.

Nie ma więc, co się zastanawiać, ale do dzieła! Może Sylwester jeszcze daleko, ale czym wolniej chudniemy tym mamy lepsze efekty. Warto więc pomyśleć o tym wcześniej niż później.



Ewa Ceborska-Scheiterbauer

tel. 604777922
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  • An occasional cake in  Szczecin, a sweet surprise.

    Cakes are a perfect complement to any celebration. Whether a happy birthday, a jubilee, a wedding, or retirement, it is worth ordering an occasional cake in our company in Szczecin to bring joy to the loved ones. It can also be handed over as a form of congratulations or thanks, and presented as a surprise will be a pleasure. Are our photo cakes are an extremely original idea, we can duplicate the image provided by you. Such a decorated baking undoubtedly triggers gaiety of the participants. A variety of flavours and shapes allows freedom to choose it so as to be tailored to client preferences and according to the kind of celebration. Take advantage of our offer of occasional pastry cakes in Szczecin and cause a smile on the face of a loved one.

    An occasional cake for adults and for children.

    We recommend delicious cakes with cream sauce, among which we can distinguish cappuccino, royal or cherry. With the best products and masterful execution, they simply melt in your mouth. The list of products offered by us also includes the ones made of cream, such as the company, nutty or coffee ones, which provide consumers with excellent taste. Occasional cakes for children in our company in Szczecin can be decorated with any form of a fairy-tale character, because there is nothing more beautiful than the joy of a child on this special day for them.

  • Cakes with photos, photo cakes in Szczecin.

    An extremely original proposal offered by our confectionery in Szczecin are photo cakes onto which we are able to put any image supplied by you. We use certified wafer paper and food dyes, so that the cake can be consumed in its entirety. Such a decorated baking is sure to be quite a surprise for the recipient and call a general joy. Cakes with photos provided by our confectionery in Szczecin may be an unconventional form of expressing feelings. Sweet gifts decorated with a photo due to your engagement, congratulations or thanks will certainly be pleasantly taken and trigger an unforgettable effect. If you want to make an impression on the person close to you, give her a cake with a photo of the two of you, and your ingenuity will certainly be appreciated.

    Cakes with photos, photo cakes surprise your closest.

    A unique opportunity requires a special honor. To emphasize the festive nature of the holidays or any event, we have offered our photo cakes in Szczecin. We encourage both individual clients and companies, since cakes with such an original, personal decoration will undoubtedly be a pleasant surprise. Besides the fact that they present themselves unconventionally, they guarantee that they will delight your taste as well. Prepared on the basis of proven recipes will not disappoint your expectations and will be a feast for the palate.

  • Cakes for children in Szczecin in the shape of fairy-tale characters.

    The list of products offered to you includes fabulous cakes for children that our confectionery in Szczecin, with the greatest alacrity, prepares for small jubilarians. Offsprings are fond of colorful cartoon characters, which is why the cake prepared especially for them becomes a favorite character and will taste truly like in a fairy tale. Cakes for children may also take the form of a photo cake, our confectionery in Szczecin prepares them on special wafer paper, so they can be eaten in their entirety. At a birthday party dessert cakes can be recommended, they will be a delicious complement to the event. Kids love sweets, so on this special day for them they can have a bit of sweet madness and be treated with tasty cookies by weight, such as meringues or mini cream puffs with whipped cream.

    Cakes for children in Szczecin make the young ones happy.

    Cakes for children can be prepared on the basis of cream or whipped cream, and you can choose from a broad range of tastes. We recommend fruit or chocolate flavours that are popular choice for our customers. Professional staff of our confectionery in Szczecin conjure up fancy coloured drawings on the cakes for children and will give them an unconventional shape, in order to brighten kids’ faces with smiles.

  • The bakery in Szczecin offers delicious and healthy products.

    The Wozniak Bakery in Szczecin has been for many years manufacturing its own bakery products, which are formed on the basis of proven recipes. These, in turn, were given rise to by the old Polish influence, and new are being created upon the global trends in order to meet the demands of our customers. Bread is an indispensable product for everyone. It is important to know how to choose the best bread for your health. Our offer includes sourdough bread that has health benefits, and is further distinguished by a distinctive, well perceptible taste. Moreover, in our bakery in Szczecin, you will find multigrain bread, rich in a variety of high quality grains providing the body with all of the needed minerals. We recommend our bakery, full of natural bakery products, to everyone taking care of healthy diet.

    The bakery in Szczecin, a wide variety of products.

    People who cannot imagine breakfast without the freshest rolls have brioches, Kaiser rolls and buns with poppy seeds recommended, ideal for a tasty start of the day. We offer grain rolls, bagels and bread spicy sticks to gourmets. A wide selection of breads will satisfy the most demanding customer. It is worth purchasing bread products in our bakeries in Szczecin, as the products we offer are made using only natural ingredients.

  • Sordough bread in Szczecin, an element of a healthy diet.

    We often do not find time to reflect on what we should eat, not to harm our body. Our bakery in Szczecin offers sourdough bread, which is recommended as a component of the daily diet due to its health properties. Besides the important values, it ​has a delicate acid flavour and stays fresh longer. Choosing the right bread carrying a beneficial effect on our body is an extremely important issue. It is tempting to introduce into your diet sourdough bread offered by our bakery in Szczecin, as it is characterized by the unique qualities of taste and high nutritional values. Sourdough bread supports the creation of a normal bacterial flora contributing positively to our well-being.

    Sordough bread with high nutritional value.

    The list of our products includes healthy multigrain breads, which thanks to the addition of cereal grains provide essential minerals and enhance metabolism. Consumed with natural elements in the form of vegetables will have a positive effect on the body. All our products are all manufactures of high quality ingredients, thus providing the energy necessary for functioning. Our bakery in Szczecin recommends sourdough bread and pastries included in its offer that guarantee delicious and healthy meals.

  • A wedding cake in Szczecin in many flavours to choose from.

    A special time, the day of the wedding, must be particularly celebrated. Cakes are perfect to highlight the uniqueness of this celebration, they are mandatory part of every wedding party. Our company in Szczecin recommends tiered wedding cakes, which will really impress the gathered guests and the bride and groom will be the symbol of the sweet life as a couple. They are available in many delicious flavours and are sure to satisfy even the most demanding tastes of our customers. Our talented confectioners masterfully decorate cakes to be beautifully presented and for a long time remain in the memory of the guests. They may be traditionally decorated or according to the style of celebration, such as the maritime, for example. Our confectionery in Szczecin fulfills the dreams of the perfect wedding cake.

    A wedding cake in Szczecin created with passion for confectionery.

    Years of experience make our cakes and pastries being prepared with extreme care and attention to detail. We are supported by the proven technology of production, which translates into the full satisfaction of our customers who are willing to procure our products. Our range includes many types of cakes and cookies good for any occasion.  Wedding cakes that our company in Szczecin creates with passion and love for baking are worth being highlighted.

  • Good bakery products, the basis of the daily diet.

    The Wozniak Confectionery - Bakery in Szczecin bakes their bread without additives or preservatives, making them stand out with a unique taste and aroma. We offer a wide range of variety of pastries, which include, among others, rye, spelled and grains breads. Bread is the basis of your daily diet, it is important to be both delicious and healthy. By appropriate selection of ingredients and proven technology, our bakery in Szczecin bakes best quality bread that you can consume with gusto without worrying about your health. In addition, we offer all kinds of crunchy bread rolls and croissants that taste deliciously in morning in the company of a milky coffee. Breakfast as the most important meal of the day, it should be prepared on the basis of healthy bread from our bakery.

    Bakery products in Szczecin at any time of the day.

    For special occasions, such as a wedding or harvest festival, we bake special occasional breads, which thanks to beautiful ornaments highlight the celebration time. Every day, we offer specially flavoured products, such as garlic-cheese sticks, spicy sticks or onion and cheese breaker in addition to traditional bread. They are great for lunch or afternoon tea, which after all do not always need to be sweet. We also offer bread and butter sticks very liked by children. The always fresh bread from our bakery in Szczecin has won the recognition of many customers.
